B"H Prague is a safe city in general, and the YK campus is located in the Jewish Quarter with regular police and security ensuring everyone's safety.
Smartphones will be handed in upon arrival. There will be phones available for Bochrim to contact their family.
All information such as transportation to YK from the airport, packing & ספרים list, roommate form and more will be sent upon acceptance.

Learning is the cornerstone of our program.
For the morning Girsa Seider, we will be learning & acquiring an entire מסכתא, with a grand Siyum at the end of the summer.
Halacha and Chassidus shiurim will be delivered by our experienced מגידי שיעורים.
Aside from major trips throughout the week, YK will be going on 3 grand trips during the summer iy"h.
Yk offers 3 fresh nutritious meals every day. The kosher mini-market will have hours open especially for YK.